My M and G Home Business Review

  • 10 years ago - M&G Home business and my review.

Never before has there come a truly 100 % automated Email Marketing system. And they have thrown in a completely automated autoresponder for you.

Look, everyone knows that for you to be successful at marketing you need to tailor your message to your particular crowd. And to do that you need leads and prospects.

Never before has a company come along and has offered to give you 300 leads a day, everyday. We are not referring to just seven days a week, but 365 days a year.

You get targeted (your niche specific) leads placed into your autoresponder every day. These are real time leads and they are delivered in real time to you.

You let them know what page you want them to promote and it is that simple and easy. Within one minute you are put together and ready to go along with your marketing campaign.

This is not only a automatic list building tool for you, but it is also a business you can promote and receive residual income from ... 10 levels deep!

M&G Home Business states that if you don't do anything at all, nothing, but let the system run by itself you will get one signup a month, and everyone in your downline will be receiving the same.

Thus, without doing anything, at the end of the year you will have more than 2,000 people in your downline.

But just wait a minute here, consider the greatest part. And that is you are getting over 10,000 targeted leads each and every single month in your list. Now this is your list, not M&G's list, but yours to do with as you please.

Think of the possibilities you can have in five or six months with over 60,000 names in your database and you come across something really cool. You send your list - which was built for you automatically - an email describing what you are now venturing into ... aw, I can see the dollar signs rolling in your eyeballs right now ... Can't you just imagine what kind of money you would make if just 30 % of that 60,000 signed up under you in a new and different program? Suppose 50 % did? Now do you see why building a list is so critical?

Come check us out. See what we can do for your marketing and lead generation efforts.