Flight MH370: possible mid-air disintegration, unconfirmed object 'spotted' in sea

  • 10 years ago
A Vietnamese navy plane searching for wreckage of the missing Malaysia Airlines jet has reportedly spotted an object in the sea which could be part of the missing aircraft.

The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam announced the discovery, but said it was too dark to be certain the find was part of the missing plane.

Search efforts are expected to continue on Monday morning, when more aircraft will be dispatched to the area in waters of southern Vietnam.

Preliminary investigations into the whereabouts of flight MH370 are said to be narrowing on the possibility of a mid-air disintegration.

When asked about the possible causes of the aircraft’s disappearance, Director General of the Malaysian Department of Civil Aviation, Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, said nothing is being ruled out.

“On the possibility of hijack, we are not ruling (out) any possibility. However, it’s important to state that our main concern is to focus our efforts on finding the missing aircraft. So, if we are able to find the aircraft, it will definitely help us to establish what exactly has happened”.

Confirmation that two Europeans on the passenger list were not on board the flight has led authorities to investigate the possible use of stolen passports.

The plane – a Boeing 777 – vanished on Saturday morning local time about an hour into its flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. It was carrying 239 people.

An international search operation is underway involving 34 aircraft and 40 ships from south east Asia and the US.
