Pistorius trial to be televised, judge says

  • 10 years ago
A South African judge has ruled that the murder trial of Oscar Pistorius will be televised to the world.

The 27-year-old Olympic and Paralympic athlete, a double-amputee commonly referred to as "blade runner," has admitted to shooting his girlfriend, model Reeva Steenkamp, at his Pretoria home on Valentine's Day of last year.

But he also has said that it was it was a terrible accident, and that he had mistaken her for an intruder.

A representative from Primedia Broadcasting called the decision to televise the trial a "victory."


"We believe the decision today will go a long way in bringing the trial not only to the people of South Africa but people across the world. We know that the Oscar trial has interest in every corner of the world and come Monday we will ensure that the sound and the visuals are made available and we believe it's the beginning for our court to really ch