Let's Play Pokemon FireRed OMEGA- Metroid Run - 1 - A New Challenge

  • 10 years ago
So after I wrapped up Star's challenge before murdering Legendaries, Mr.Kyrix82 messaged me an interesting challenge. Hence how this playthrough came to be born :) Kyrix's channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/TheKyrix82

Interesting choices for starters... a Magby, a Smoochum, and an Elekid

Bear in mind that this was record/upload back over on PoopTube, so any commentary pertaining to various days should be ignored, though I suppose it may give a free laugh or two

Rules for the Metroid Run
#1: You must catch one of every type of pokemon. Once you've caught a pokemon of a certain type, you can't catch any others of that type. Dual-Type Pokemon count as the type of your choice.
#2: You may only catch a normal type before completing the first gym
#3: The Pokemon must go on your team as soon as it is caught. You must use it for an entire video, unless you catch it at the end of a video, in which case it must remain in your party for the duration of your next video before being swapped out.
#4: You can't heal in battle. This means no recovery items, leftovers, or recovery moves that don't inflict direct damage (Recover, ingrain, leech seed). Pure offense moves that drain damage (Leech Life, Absorb) are okay. Leech Seed is more of a status ailment than an attack, so it's restricted. Healing in the field, or in a Pokemon center is perfectly alright. Having Chansey use softboiled to heal other pokemon outside of battle is also allowed, it just can't use the move on itself in battle.
#5: All videos must be 20 minutes or less. A few seconds over won't count against you.
#6: Wild Pokemon may not be battled onscreen, unless you're trying to capture them. Multiple 'failed' captures that are obvious attempts to grind will be penalized.
#7: You may fast forward in battle, but not outside of it. Being approached by a trainer and spoken to before a battle can count as 'in battle' for this purpose.
#8: Each Pokemon is allowed to grind 5 levels offscreen.
#9: Videos will be uploaded once per week, though you are allowed to record in advance as much as you like.

Kyrix's Playlist - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wOj3MuI4Kwlr1y4jgNcu_0XxJr05LkY
MarioYoshi's Playlist - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL806Eb7aEXjten7fzdbUA_HgBHdtxiFHp
Anubis' Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkt_r6Vu5xFm9tbReqMjxzZ6LfSXmTdrh
