Texting and Driving Results in Rolled Vehicle

  • 10 years ago
Fort Myers, Florida police caught a dramatic one-car accident on video, and later said they were surprised to learn the reason behind the crash was texting while driving.

Dangers from texting while driving are constantly communicated by law enforcement but that still doesn't stop some people from engaging in that behavior.

Fort Myers, Florida police caught a dramatic one-car accident on video, and later said they were surprised to learn the reason behind the crash was texting while driving.

The footage shows that the driver rounded a corner and began driving in the lane closest to the median on a divided street.

Within seconds, the car careened towards the curb, ran over a guardrail, hit a pole and a tree, and then flipped over.

The driver, 23-year-old Michael Woody, had luckily escaped injury and was able to crawl out of the car’s window shortly after the crash.

When questioned, he admitted that he was typing up a message while behind the wheel and not paying attention to the road.

One of the officers who witnessed the accident said he was shocked when he learned it was all the result of texting.

He said that based on how quickly it happened and out of control the car had become, he thought the driver had suffered a heart attack.
