Tens of thousands call for resignation of Ukraine's president

  • 11 years ago
Rising tension in Ukraine.

That's where 100,000 protesters in the capitol, Kiev, called for the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovich on Sunday.

They tried to break through a barricade outside the presidential compound but were met with tear gas and batons.

A violent crackdown on protesters, many of them students, two nights before, only fueled their rage.


"What sort of authorities are they to beat children? We can't step aside, can't stay home. The feeling of hatred to these authorities overwhelms me."

Protesters are angry that the former Soviet-bloc nation has backed away from plans to forge closer ties with the European Union - choosing, instead, to improve ties with Russia.

At one point on Sunday, protesters scuffled with masked men.

They insist the young men were put there by the government to discredit the demonstrations.

