Israel frees another 26 Palestinian inmates

  • 11 years ago
Hundreds of relatives and well-wishers had been waiting for hours at the Erez Crossing with the Gaza Strip for a glimpse of the freed prisoners....and finally at midnight they were rewarded.

Five prisoners were released here in Gaza and another 21 were sent to the West Bank.

It is the second of four batches of 26 Palestinians prisoners to be released. It's part of a deal to help U.S. sponsored peace talks after deep divisions on both sides.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas addressed a large crowd, denying the deal had been made on the understanding that Israel could continue building settlements.


"Some non-nationalists spread rumours that we made this agreement instead of a settlements freeze. This is wrong, the settlements are void, void and void."

The freed men were all convicted of murdering Israelis, spending between 19 and 28 years in prison.

But as they were driven from