Shah Rukh Confesses His 'Cool' Love For Honey Singh

  • 11 years ago
Superstar Shah Rukh Khan seems to be completely hitched towards his new-found interest in much-loved rapper, Yo Yo Honey Singh. While earlier, the two bonded over their first collaboration in one of the chartbuster hits, Lungi Dance from Chennai Express, they recently also added an additional co-venture with the Temptation Reloaded tour. However, having already witnessed all of it, our buzzing bee now suggests that Shah Rukh has declared his love for the rapper on a public forum this time! Yes you heard that right! Reportedly, our King Khan posted on one of the micro-blogging sites that he simply adores Yo Yo Honey Singh for his simplicity and feels he is the coolest man ever! Well, we are sure our Yo Yo is cool but this story leaves us to wonder what does the Yo Yo rivals, Vishal and Shekhar have to say over this? What say viewers? Well, stay tuned for the other side story!