Pavitra Rishta Post Leap: Rithvik-Asha To Stay Back, Many Others Added

  • 11 years ago
Adding to the list of confusions in Pavitra Rishta 's post-leap-cast-list, here are few bits of rumours which are doing rounds. It was said that post leap, actors like Rithvik Dhanjani , Asha Negi and Shruti Kanwar would quit the show, but now it is reported that all three would remain in the serial!
Previously, Rithvik, Asha and Shruti had informed the show producer that they would quit the show as they were not comfortable playing older roles, post leap. It was even reported that the makers of the show were trying to convince the actors. Now all three would stay back in the show post leap. Good news for all of their fans!
According to sources, the leap was supposed to take place in the month of September, but it has been postponed to October end or in the beginning of November. The reason for this confusion in the leap postpone was Soham (Ankit Narang) and Gauri's (Priyanka Kandwal) story. But, the twist is, Soham (Ankit Narang), because of whom the story was getting interesting was diagnosed with dengue and apparently is with his family in Surat!
