Flexibility | Personal Transformation Empowerment Motivation | Understand Accept Master How You Are Wired

  • 11 years ago
http://chrismsprague.com | 855.746.4267 | Answering your most important question - "How am I Wired". Once you understand accept and master how you are wired, success will follow.

See a brief description of the actual video below.

Motivation confidence and self-esteem can be yours -- today! Learn the secrets on how to get and stay motivated, be confident in any situation and gain the self-esteem everyone needs to succeed.

** Call 855.746.4267 for Personal Transformation, Empowerment, Motivation, confidence and self-esteem or visit http://chrismsprague.com **

The first thing that comes to mind is yoga. When we practice yoga everyday our bodies become flexible and we are able to bend down and touch our toes and scratch that sweet spot on the back we couldn't get before.

How about yoga for the mind? How about stretching and letting go and practicing and breathing and holding poses (thoughts) for periods of time? Mental yoga! What a concept. If you have ever taken a yoga class then you know exactly what I am talking about. And if you haven't -- go take one right now!

Yoga is the practice of stretching and holding poses for periods of time and focusing on your breathing -- a movement meditation that grounds you and balances your chakras. It is absolutely relaxing and worth a try.

Now let's do that with our minds -- opening up and letting in all the happiness that we all crave. Isn't that what everyone says -- when asked -- what do you want -- I want to be happy. Why are so many people unhappy? Are they really unhappy or do they just need to do some mental yoga to open up their minds and welcome in flexibility?

What does it mean to be flexible? More than willing to meet someone 30 minutes later than scheduled. It means to embrace life, live in the present, be open to change, be willing to accept what is, to be happy that you are breathing and your heart is beating. This is freedom. This mental wellbeing is what flexibility is.

This isn't to be confused with accepting everything as is and thinking all is good and positive. There is a yin and yang to everything. With good is bad. With cause is effect. But imagine using the entire spectrum of emotions to move you towards those things that you value the most. Family, health, life... whatever is most important to you.

Stretch your mental muscles through acceptance, curiosity and commitment.
** Call 855.746.4267 for Motivation confidence and self-esteem or visit http://chrismsprague.com **
For more information on the following

* Motivation (how to motivate yourself and others).
* Confidence (get confident, be confident, use confidence to your advantage)
* Self-esteem (you too can have it - today)
* The Phoenix Empowerment Program
* The Empowerment Mentoring program

Contact Chris M. Sprague at 855.746.4267
or info@chrismsprague.com
or visit Chris on the web: http://ChrisMSprague.com