Amitabh Bachchan As Bheeshma In Mahabharat !

  • 11 years ago
Jayantilal Gada's upcoming 3D film, Mahabharat marks to be the first ever animated film made on one of the famous Holy Scriptures in India. In addition, this film has further risen up its standards by roping in some celebrated voiceovers from stars like Amitabh Bachchan, Vidya Balan, Anil Kapoor, Sunny Deol and Manoj Bajpayee.
However, without generalizing the role plays, let's individually highlight upon each pivotal character rom the film. The iconic role of Bheeshma will be seen getting the deep baritone voice of legendary star Amitabh Bachchan and well, the character has also been undoubtedly crafted with an extremely majestic approach, similar to our very own Big B! This heroic avatar of Big B surely delivers a commendable macho image to the audience!
So what say viewers? Did you'll like our new Amitjii?
