Shraddha Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor Hottest Couple In Bollywood

  • 11 years ago
The Bollywood industry has witnessed several link ups in the past and is still baring seeds of future love birds be it from the much hyped couple, Katrina-Ranbir or to the recent being, Deepika and Ranveer Singh. However, going by this similar context, we have yet another addition to this link-up league.

Reportedly, Aashiqui fame Shraddha Kapoor has been hitting the news claiming her future projects but having seen them, one would notice that out of the few films that she has signed, 2 of the films are apparently starring Shahid Kapoor. Elaborating more on to this story, Shraddha has been finalized to play the female lead opposite Shahid, in Bhardwaj's Hamlet adaptation and further, the actress has now also been speculated to have replaced Priyanka Chopra, in Milan Talkies, again that stars Shahid. Adding on, the insiders reveal that Shahid and Shraddha meet up at quite a few gatherings happening aboard.

Well, so what's cooking guys? Do we see a new couple here? Keep waiting for more news!
