SPOTTED - Shahrukh Khan Shows His Love-Bite!

  • 11 years ago
King of romance, Shah Rukh Khan is known to shower unconditional love upon his leading beauties on the silver screen but now it seems like our King Khan is getting back all the love, 'marking' an eye-popping return! Well, we have some exciting glimpse to show you'll this time! Going by the recent picture that flashed out in open, Shahrukh sports a prominent love-bite on the side of his neck and what surprised us more is that the actor has put forth not a single effort to cover up the hickey with his collar for that matter. Having aligned a million fans already, seems like the actor wants to now show off his love-mark in public and claim his spell bound sexiness, even at his 40th milestone! Well, undoubtedly, one wouldn't anyway deny to the fact that SRK's charm and popularity just doesn't pull down at any point, be it in films or real life, right viewers?
