Shahrukh Khan Trended On Twitter As SR'GAY !

  • 11 years ago
Bollywood's superstar Shah Rukh Khan must be riding high with the whopping success of his recent release, Chennai Express but seems like his haters are sulking to his kingship by trying to pull him down in every way possible. Going by some earlier reports one must be aware that King Khan was always speculated for his love for men and was also paired along with his bollywood favorite, Karan Johar. Reportedly, relating to this same context, the recent news adds on to some more fun to it by having a trending sequence on twitter lately by the hash-tag, "SrgayIsWorstActor". Apparently, the trending began with his haters spamming the news feed of Twitter users with hate comments and intimation regarding the actor's sexuality as he is known to have kissed Karan, Yashji and the recent being Rohit Shetty. However, SRK's fans soon came to his rescue by positively trending on why he is the best actor in the industry! Well, such a Gay act, must say!
