14 Aug 2013 Independence Day of Pakistan with Travel and Natural Beauty of Pakistan

  • 11 years ago
utube Link: http://youtu.be/u7-mW-Y8qS8
CNN Link: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1020104
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151551265486766&set=vb.660876765&type=2&theater
14 Aug 2013 Independence Day of Pakistan with Travel and Natural Beauty of Pakistan
Sari Paya
Minar-e Pakistan
Khana Kaba Islam at Mekkha
Cavalry Park
Pandi Point with Birds
Bahad Shahi Mosque
Race Course Park
Lake Saful Mulak
Dubai Sea
Produced by Mun@WAR
+92(0) 300 4 16 64 59
Lahore, Pakistan