62-Year-Old Man Ran Everyday for 45 Years Straight

  • 11 years ago
62-year-old Mark Covert just ended a decades long running streak. For 16,436 consecutive days, or 45 years straight, he ran at least one mile each day.

Running is not just a hobby for some people, it’s a way of life.

That seemed to be the case for 62-year-old Mark Covert, who just ended his decades long running streak.

For 16,436 consecutive days, he ran at least one mile each day. In total, that equates to 45 years of running. During that time, he covered over 149 thousand miles.

His running streak began on July 23rd, 1968 when Covert was only 17 years of age. Covert reflected back on his journey stating “I noticed in my training log that I had gotten to about 100 days and then I thought what if I can get to a year. That turned into two to five to 10 and here we are today at 45."

Covert encountered shoulder surgery, rotator cuff surgery and even kidney stones during his running adventure, however none of the injuries deterred him. Covert made the decision to stop running, at least continuously, due to a mid-foot collapse.

For his streak-breaking run on July 23rd 2013, Covert was joined by a group of 70 other runners who knew him from his stops at various California high schools and colleges.