Crime Fighting Geese Make Chinese Province a Safer Place

  • 11 years ago
Things are tough in the rural reaches of China’s Xinjiang province. So tough, that they’ve had to add geese to the roster of crime fighters.

Things are tough in the rural reaches of China’s Xinjiang province. So tough, that they’ve had to add geese to the roster of crime fighters.

According to law enforcement officials, geese are far better at catching criminals than dogs.

They’re described as being vigilant and brave, and furthermore, they tend not to fall for the bribes of laced treats that often prove to be the downfall of canine protectors.

Not that geese are craftier, they just don’t see as well in the dark so miss the offerings made by late-night criminals.

They also work in packs to respond to potential threats, typically by spreading their wings and making loud noises while attacking intruders.

It’s also reportedly almost impossible for strangers to silence them.

Their crime-stopping prowess isn’t all conjecture, either.

Recently a gaggle stationed at a police headquarters relentlessly squawked and flapped an intruder into submission, allowing the on duty officer to make an arrest.

Although China isn’t the first to utilize geese, it has been said that of all of the world’s breeds, the Chinese variety makes the most adept guardians.
