New Contact Lens Provides Telescopic Vision

  • 11 years ago
Age related Macular Degeneration is the top cause of blindness in Americans age 55 and older. Researchers are working on a special kind of contact lens that would help people who are losing their sight because of AMD.

Age related macular degeneration, or AMD, is a vision disorder that cannot be corrected by contact lenses.

But now researchers are working on a special kind of contact lens that would help people who are losing their sight because of AMD, which is the most common cause of blindness in Americans age 55 and older.

Instead of seeing things out of focus, people with AMD do not have a center of vision, though their peripheral vision still works.

The special contact lenses, designed by Doctor Joseph Ford from the University of California in San Diego working with Swiss designers, allow the users to see a zoomed in version of something they are having trouble seeing.

By taking light and magnifying it into the peripheral part of the eye, the contacts magnify the users view by 2 point 8 times the regular size.

The zoom function of the contacts is always activated, so to be able to switch it on and off, users will need to wear liquid crystal 3-D TV glasses.