Leena Kappoor’s Bollywood dream and Cricket umpire Asad : love Brawl.

  • 11 years ago
Leena Kappoor’s Bollywood dream and Cricket umpire Asad : love Brawl.

Leena Kapoor is an aspiring model from New Delhi and from well-to-do Punjabi family. She lives in Mumbai, perusing her Bollywood dream of becoming heroine of big screen. But instead, she is doing,Print ads, TV COMMERCIALS and all but her aspiration has become so desperation and she ushered into romantic proximity of ICC nominated, celebrated CRICKET UMPIRE Asad who hails from Pakistan. Asad’s adrenaline had started working in cupid field in stead of Cricket field. Asad has tempted her to introduce Leena Kapoor the Bollywood celebrities like directors, producers and stars who would favor Leena Kapoor to get the protagonist role in Bollywood films.Asad had entrapped her into her love mess, showing dream to Leena Kapoor but Leena was not introduced to any celebrity in party , who may work for her…Asad and Leena both had been dabbling in cupid and erotic world…Both dreamt of marrying to each other. As buzz was around ,
Asad was about to divorce his existing wife..Leena was delighted to be with a strong and established person of a glamrous game of the world—Cricket that is also not less than film’s shimmer..
Suddenly, a tumultuous sort of bump had shaken Leena Kapoor who was stuuned bizarrely to know of fraud face and persona of Asad who was allegedly caught in spot match fixing in IPL season 6…The great brawl happened between two love-birds. A lot of things were surfaced through media. Leena Kapoor lodged a case against Asad in Mumbai. Asad denied first but when his pix was with Leena Kapoor ,was come out .Asad accepted that he was known to Leena but he did not love her and he did not promise her to get married…This pix is because of his celebrity value,
Leena Kapoor has learnt a lot from this event but she is still away from her family . Leena Kapoor wants to live her mother and father but they are not talking to each other.
Leena Kapoor is a fighter and she is doing work in Mumbai.She is doing tv commercials, print ad but she has a big and earnest dream and desire of becoming star on celluloid with name and fame.. She has understood the world..The world is not fair…But Leena Kapoor’s confidence is very strong and she will be pursuing her dream in Bollywood…All the best to Leena Kapoor….Whoh !!!!!!

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