Teenager Saves Dog During Cougar Attack

  • 11 years ago
A teenager saves his dog during a cougar attack.

Dogs are as much a part of our families as other people in the household.

A teenager in British Columbia recently saved the life of his pooch named Daisy. 16-year-old Levi Sadler said he heard a piercing scream from his canine, who was outside the family residence.

When the boy looked out the window, he saw a cougar attacking Daisy. Sadler jumped outside and yelled. Evidently the wild animal got spooked and took off, leaving the dog behind.

A short time later, the puma returned and tried to attack the teen. It jumped at Sadler, but he managed to escape through an open window.

Sadler stated, "All I had on my mind was Daisy and just how she was doing. I could have been hurt I would have been completely fine with that, I just wanted Daisy to be OK"

The boy’s dad was able to chase the cougar away. The female canine required stitches from the attack but was said to be recovering.

Have you ever been in a situation where you saved your pet from danger?
