Sam Najafi

Born in 1986 in Bournemouth, on the south coast of England, Sam Najafi is a successful freelance property writer who writes about topics such as architecture, DIY and renovations. Before becoming a full-time writer, Najafi studied at the University of Brighton, gaining a BA Honours degree in English Literature and Creative Writing.

Since graduating, Najafi has worked in a freelance capacity as a property writer, which also enables him to work remotely from any location in the world. Najafi’s writing contracts can be successfully completed from the location of his choosing; this has given him the option of continuing to pursue his love of travelling, whilst continuing to work as a successful and motivated writer.

Najafi’s love of travel has seen him visit many countries around the world and explores various cultures, appreciating their food, language and people. Najafi has travelled to many destinations in South America, which is a region that is particularly close to his heart as he loves the food that is typical to this region. Other countries that Najafi has visited are Madagascar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Najafi enjoys a number of water sports, particularly paddle boarding and surfing, which he learnt and mastered as a child growing up on the south coast of England. Martial arts are also important to Najafi, who practices the Afro-Brazilian martial art Capoeira. Capoeira includes elements of music, dance and acrobatics along with more traditional elements of martial arts, emphasising flowing movements and complex manoeuvres rather than static or fixed stances.