Jay Sawyer Northbrook

Jay Sawyer is from Northbrook, Illinois and has lived in the Chicago area for most of his life. He is an avid Chicago sports fan and loves to spend his free time watching his favorite teams play with friends and family. Jay's favorite team overall is the Chicago Cubs. Watching them win the World Series in 2016 for the first time in over 100 years was a real highlight and joy for him. Aside from spending time watching sports, Jay Sawyer is also a lifelong tennis player who loves to spend as much time as possible on the court. He more recently also began playing paddle tennis as well.

Learning about different cultures, meeting new people, and exploring new locations is also a big part of Jay's life. He enjoys traveling any chance he can and hopes to continue visiting different places soon.

Be sure to visit Jay Saywer's website and follow him on Twitter to learn more!