Walking The Narrow Way

This Channel is dedicated in promoting the teachings of Jesus Christ. There are many teachings out there in the "name" of Christ, but on close examination, they come from another source.

We will delve deep into these false teachings by promoting the TRUE teachings of Jesus Christ.

I have pulled videos from friends that share the same vision as me. Our goal is to promote the truth, and nothing but the truth.

Jesus focused on speaking freely and his speech was cleverly spoken. His teachings from the Bible, specifically the four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are one of the greatest masterpieces in literature of ALL history. His words and teachings no other teacher spoke. They are truly divine and from God.

There will be a time when a one world ruler will set up a one world government to control the masses. He will do that with something called the "mark of the beast" or "666". This symbol is demonic and will be the very reason for millions if not BILLIONS of people will get sent to hell. This is a promise found in the book of revelation. This mark will be the one world currency. It will be a cashless society that no one will be able to 'buy or sell' unless they take this mark.

That means no trips to the market to buy food, no going to work and getting paid, or selling any of your merchandise. This beast system will make it impossible for you to live unless you have this mark, or the number of the beast name.

The question is: How can we survive in a world where you cannot buy or sell?

Jesus, my friends, Jesus is the answer.

He taught us how to live WITHOUT needed to work for money. He called it 'living by faith'. This concept is totally different from the materialistic, satanic world that we live in. He said if we get busy working for God and preach His message of love to the world, then HE will provide for us our daily needs. Yes, this is a promise from our heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:24-33)